The Reflector: Jefferson School Notes

The Principal, Faculty and Senior Class of Jefferson High School sponsored a departmental meeting, last Thursday night, in the Auditorium, for the purpose of discussing plans for the graduation in June. The parents of the prospective graduates were invit ed to participate. The auditorium was beautifully arranged. The seats were made to form a complete circle in the center of the assembly room and the center of the assembly room and in the center of this circle , tables were arranged in banquet style. After about thirty minutes were spent in meeting and greetings among the patrons and teachers, and generally observing the class rings and invitations, which were artistically arranged on two tables, one to the right and one to the left, each one was seated. Then the class marched in, and the following program was presented: Master of Ceremonies-John A. Jackson Jr; Solo, "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life", Horace Porter; Recitation, "If", Edna Newman; Instrumental Solo, Elizabeth Harris. At the beginning of the program, the president of the class, Estelle Seay, gave the welcome address.

Then Mrs. C.B. Duke started the discussion on plans for graduation. Each parent was called upon to express an opinion on the rings, pins and attire for the commencement exercises in May. An amicable understanding was brought about between Principal, teacher, parent, and students. After this was completed, the members of the class passed refreshments to the parents and faculty.

Those patrons present were: Reverend and Mrs. Carter Wicks, Mrs. Peulah Ahart, Mrs. Francis Jackson, Miss Genora Newman, Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Jackson, Mrs. Rosa Fagans, Mrs. Lewis Burns, Miss Maude Gamble, Mrs. Mildred Lightfoot, Miss Nellie Jefferson, Mrs. Blanch Harris, Mrs. Emma Terrell, Mrs. Laura Brooks, Miss Penelope Barbour, Mrs. Fannie Lias, Mrs. Mattie Quarles, Mrs. Marion Kelly and Mr. J.H. Johnson.